losing your hair? Here's what to do next...

Are you seriously losing your hair? Here's what to do about it...

Do you seem to be losing more hair than normal? Are you shedding like crazy, morning, noon and night? If the answer is yes, then it's more than likely to be a serious bot of seasonal hair loss.

Excessive hair loss phases are commonly linked to the season of autumn, although, some people tend to shed more hair in other seasons, with spring being another common time for seasonal hair loss. However, autumn, in the vast majority of cases, is the time of year when we lose the most hair.

Reasons why hair shedding occurs in the autumn:

Seasonal Changes

Changes in temperature and humidity can affect the hair and scalp. Dry, cool air in the autumn and winter months may lead to drier hair and scalp, which can make hair more brittle and prone to breakage.

Sun Exposure

During the summer months, increased sun exposure can lead to hair damage, such as UV radiation weakening the hair shaft. Hair that was damaged during the summer may start to break and fall out in the autumn.


Autumn can be a stressful time for some people due to various factors, including the return to school or work after summer vacations and the upcoming holiday season. Increased stress levels can contribute to hair loss.

Seasonal Shedding Patterns

Some animals, like certain mammals and birds, have seasonal shedding patterns tied to changes in daylight and temperature. While humans don't have the same type of seasonal shedding as these animals, some individuals might experience a slight increase in hair shedding due to factors like genetics, hormones, and stress.

Diet and Nutrition

Seasonal changes in diet and nutrition can also impact hair health. For example, some people may not get as much fresh produce or essential nutrients during the colder months, which can affect hair growth and quality.

Hair Care Practices

Changes in hair care routines, such as using different products or styling methods, can also contribute to hair shedding. In some cases, people may switch up their routines as the seasons change.

It's important to note that hair loss and shedding are complex phenomena influenced by genetics, hormones, age, and overall health. Seasonal hair loss is a temporary phase that normally ends as winter season approaches. However, it is important to note that seasonal hair loss can lead to more severe hair loss types in men and women. 

image of saw palmetto treating hair loss

How seasonal hair loss affects you...

Losing your hair isn't a particularly great thing to go through at any time, or under any circumstance, and despite seasonal hair loss being a temporary phase, it can still lead to more serious hair loss issues.

If you already suffer from hair loss, such as androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), then a bout of seasonal hair loss is the last thing you want. This can speed up the rate of hair you lose, and even after the seasonal hair loss phase has ended, you may not grow back much of the hair that was lost in that time. 

So, to put it bluntly, seasonal hair loss can be an absolute nuisance for men (and women) who are already battling the effects of hair loss.  

Best ways to stop seasonal hair loss

It should go without saying that a healthy lifestyle, i.e. diet and regular exercise, can go along way to reducing the effects of any hair loss type, but that aside, there are some treatments on the market that can help with this issue. 

Stay away from medications

It might be a good idea to stay away from medications such as minoxidil, as this can cause excessive shedding, especially during early use, and this is obviously something that you would want to avoid. There are safe topical alternatives that you can consider, such as keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) serum, which has shown to help reduce hair loss and promote hair growth, with no risk of negative side-effects. 

If you're keen to keep off medications and harsh prescription drugs, completely, then you may want to consider using a highly potent (yet safe) multi-macro extract supplement like HR23+. This supplement can help stump excessive hair fall, and support the function of healthy hair growth. 

Use the right shampoos 

Shampoos don't do much in the way of treating hair loss, but there are some good ones out there that can at least help keep the hair healthy, and also reduce some shedding, at least. Look out for shampoos that contain biotin, collagen, saw palmetto, green tea (caffeine), pumpkin seed, argan oil, and nettle leaf. These ingredients can all play a key role in the overall health of the hair. 

Also, you may want to consider laying off the conditioner, at least during the autumn season. Conditioners tend to give the hair a thinner texture, which isn't ideal if you are already prone to shedding. 

Ease up on styling products 

Ease up on the heavy styling products, and maybe opt for a styling moose, rather than a thick wax or clay. It may sound silly, but even the tiniest of alterations to your styling routine could make a huge difference to your hair. 

And lastly, if you use heat-styling-devices, then be sure to either minimise your usage, or turn the heat level down as much as possible. With a hairdryer, for example, set the heat level to "cool", and dry your hair that way. It will take longer to dry, but you'll not risk damaging your hair in the process. 


If you are losing a ton of hair during the autumn months, then don't panic! There are ways, as mentioned in this article, that you can reduce the amount of hairs that you are losing, without compromising on your health or wellbeing. 

Just make some of the suggested adjustments to your routine during the autumn months (or whichever season you tend to experience seasonal hair loss), and this alone should put you in a better position to keep as much of your hair as possible.  

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