It's turning into a bit of a movement, and some are even calling it a brotherhood, and it's not likely to go away any time soon. So, for the facial follicly challenged men to grow the ultimate beard they have been longing for, can Minoxidil be the solution they have been looking for? 

Beards seem to be everywhere you look, and it seems that way especially for guys who can't grow facial fuzz. The beard trend is hot, and it's set to get even hotter over the coming years, and for whatever reason, it seems every man wants a beard. But, unfortunately for over 40% of men, genetics weren't kind. 

Beard Envy
It's that moment when you see a man walking past you in the street sporting the most epic beard you have ever seen, and then you mutter to yourself through gritted teeth, "Lucky son of a bitch!". Or even worse, your best friend always shaves clean, but under that softly moisturised skin lies a big load a facial fuzz just waiting to sprout out. You think to yourself "If only I had his genes". It's the fact he has the option to grow a beard, whereas you don't.

Why do so many men want beards?
Having a beard goes beyond just a trend. Being able to grow a full beard makes us real men. Yes, women got tired of those super-pretty, clean-cut boyish looks - they want men to be men! Let's face it, bearded men look more aggressive and like alpha males, and a beard signifies the pinnacle of manhood. One of the other benefits of having excellent facial hair genetics is that you can switch it up. You can go clean shaven, do a goatee, or bring it back to the beard - there are endless possibilities. In fact, having a clean shave or leaving slight stubble shows that you can grow an amazing beard, but you simply choose not to. That's a pretty powerful choice to have, and one that will drive the more follicly challenged men insane. The beard appeal also stems from human-nature - Many women see a man with a beard as protective with excellent genetics that will be passed down to their children.

So, is there hope for all men to grow a beard?
Having the ability to grow a beard all depends on genetics. It's not something that most guys want to hear, but it's the truth. Unfortunately for some, each of us were handed genetics which prevent us from growing decent facial hair, and it seems we have to take it on the chin and accept what has been given to us. Or should we? 

YouTube has become a bit of a hunting ground, and a resource centre, for thousands of men seeking solutions for their dilemma, and it seems many men have found the solution they have been looking for - that solution comes in the form of Minoxidil. Now, if you're not familiar with Minoxidil, you'll probably recognise it in its form of Regaine - the FDA approved brand that is used to treat hair loss. Minoxidil comes in 2% and 5% dosage, through a number of brands that can be purchased at your local supermarket or chemist. 

After just a handful of months, many men claim that they have seen remarkable results in beard growth through applying Minoxidil to their face on a daily basis. Now, it should be noted that there have been no scientific studies that show Minoxidil to be effective for facial hair growth, and none of the Minoxidil labelled brands have made any kind of claims that relate to beard growth. It should also be stated that the usage of Minoxidil can lead to unwanted side-effects such as itchiness, flaking skin, flushing of the cheeks, acne, severe headaches and sudden weight gain. Therefore The Male Grooming Review does not advise this practice in any way, shape or form.

Has Minoxidil been effective in beard growth?
The whole new Minox Beard Challenge is rapidly growing in popularity, and the reason for this is that many men are posting their success stories via YouTube and their blogs. Are the 'success stories' genuine? It's hard to say for sure. There are a number of factors that could be taken into account before believing every single success story that comes our way. For instance, many guys as young as 17 are using Minoxidil on their faces in order to speed up the growth process. The sudden beard growth in conjunction with Minoxidil could merely be a coincidence, as perhaps they were set to go through that particular growth phase anyway. Bear in mind, facial hair growth can happen very quickly, especially between the ages of 18-21. It's also interesting how very few men in their thirties, if any at all, have experienced any significant beard growth from using Minoxidil. It seems that once you get past a certain age without still being able to grow decent facial hair, the chances a very low you'll ever be able to grow a beard.

What brand of Minoxidil are men using and how do they use it?
It doesn't matter what brand of Minoxidil you use, apparently. As long as the solution is 5%, that's all that counts. The majority of men seem to opt for the cheapest option, in order to save a few bucks, which is completely understandable. Minoxidil comes in two main forms - a foam texture and a liquid texture. Again, it doesn't really matter which one you opt for, as it may depend on which one is easier to apply or cheaper in price, etc. 

Users of Minoxidil for beard growth simply apply 1ml of 5% solution to their facial skin, rub in well, leave to dry and absorb for a few hours before washing off. This is repeated again in the evening. 

What other options are there to grow a beard?
Like a lot of guys, if rubbing your face with Minoxidil doesn't have much appeal to you, then there are a few much safer and affordable things you could try instead. Biotin (Vitamin B7) is well-renowned for it's hair growth properties, of which comes in supplement or topical form. Other ingredients such as Folic Acid and Saw Palmetto have shown excellent results in hair growth and hair maintenance.

Many will remain sceptical about this subject, and rightly so. In all likeliness, using Minoxidil on your face will not have any benefits in the way of beard growth, but if you are still determined to give this thing a shot, then be safe and be sure - speak to your doctor before using a formula such as Minoxidil. Remember, your health is always more important than a beard.  

By Peter Moore